Abhay Solvents Pvt Ltd


Company Name:Abhay Solvents Pvt Ltd
Group :
Address:Corp Office
Jala Smruthi, 44, N.S. Iyengar Road,
Kumara Park West
City:Koppal 583231 Koppal Karnataka
Tel:08539-221068/69/220891/ /9845067030
Mktg-Email :abhay62@sancharnet.in
HR-Email :
Purchase-Email :
Brands Owned :

About the Company :

Abhay Solvents (P) Ltd was incorporated in the year 1993, with their registered office in Bangalore. The company is in the field of Edible Oil since 1994. The unit started its venture with 60 TPD capacity of Solvents Plant. Since then there has been continuous expansion and upgradation with the plant. The capacity was increased from 60 TPD to 120 TPD. There was a recent addition to the plant which increased the plant to a capacity of 260 TPD Solvent Extraction Plant. A part of this has an addition of 30 TPD Refinery and Packaging unit at the same complex. Abhay Solvents has been growing consistently into a profit making organization. The company runs to 90% of its capacity. The company has a strength of 50 direct employees and 400 indirect employees


Mahaveer Mehta– Director
Mahesh Tambralli– Manager
Abhya Kumar Mehta– Director
Hemant Kumar Mehta– Director

Other Office Address
Plant Jala Smruthi, 44, N.S. Iyengar Road, Kumara Park West Technochem Koppal 583231 Koppal Karnataka Tel : 080-30925171 / 51241170 Fax : 23369253 Email : abhay62@sancharnet.in
Corp Office Jala Smruthi, 44, N.S. Iyengar Road, Kumara Park West Koppal 583231 Koppal Karnataka 08539-221068/69/220891/ /9845067030 08539-220927


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