Acewin Agriteck Ltd

Company Name:Acewin Agriteck Ltd
Group :
Address:Corp Office
Unit # 1, 4th Floor, Pinnacle,
Ascendas International Tech Park, CSIR Road, Taramani
City:Chennai 600113 Tamil Nadu
Tel:044-4324 3200/ 4331 3364
Fax:044-4324 3299
HR-Email :
Purchase-Email :
Brands Owned :

About the Company :

Acewin Agriteck Ltd is engaged in software and aqua culture trading is based out of Chennai. The company plans to raise nearly Rs. 300 crore through equity or debt or a mix of both to fund an integrated project for aquaculture and agriculture farming and processing.

The company plans to set up an aquaculture farm on nearly 300 acres at Ponneri in North Chennai will have freshwater fish; prawn farming and processing; fruits and vegetable farming; poultry and goat farming and dairy farming.



Products & Services Offered