Almora Dugdh Utpadak Sahakari Sangh Ltd

Company Name:Almora Dugdh Utpadak Sahakari Sangh Ltd
Group :
Address:Corp Office
Patal Devi Almora
City:Almora 263601 Almora Uttaranchal
HR-Email :
Purchase-Email :
Brands Owned :

About the Company :


K S Gusain– Chairman
Dr L M Joshi– General Manager

Other Office Address
Corp Office Patal Devi Almora Almora 263601 Almora Uttaranchal 05962-233026/233075


1 Comment

  1. Dear sir/ma’am,

    Greeting of the day! Hope you are doing well.

    I have got your email address from the website of UCDF. This is to inform you that I am in a process of opening a dairy farm in my village Balma, Tahsil Lamgarha, Almora. I am preparing a project report on dairy farming. However, before I present the complete to you, I need your guidance.

    I have below queries on some key features of the project. So, as per my understanding, you & your team are the best group which can provide me the unmatched solution.

    I would be grateful for all your help and support provided.

    Question – 1

    Views of daily farmers & veterinary professions are different on the selection of cow/buffalo for the purpose of dairy farming. As per your suggestion, which (cow or buffalo) is the right choice for hill area.

    Further, if we go for cow, which breed of cow (Jersey, HF, Gir, Sahiwal, Tharparkar etc.) is good for hill area?

    Question – 2

    Can you please suggest some sellers of good bread of milching animal (preferably in hill area).

    Question – 3

    What is the daily diet of cow and buffalo in milking and dry period?

    Question – 4

    What all minerals to be included in the diet of mammal for better yield of milk?

    Question – 5

    What is the lactation period of cow and buffalo?

    Question – 6

    What is daily drinking water consumption of cow and buffalo?

    Question – 7

    Does UCDF have any milk collection centre in Lamgarah tehsil? If yes, could you please provide the count of milk collection centre?

    Question – 8

    What is the correct milk price of cow and buffalo separately?

    Question – 9

    What should be the best fat level in milk of cow and buffalo?

    Thank you for your support in advance.

    Please feel free to write/call in case you need further information/clarification on the project.

    Thanks & regards,

    Govind Prasad Pandey

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