Pratibha Krushi Prakriya Ltd

Company Name:Pratibha Krushi Prakriya Ltd
Group :Chavan Group
Address:Corp Office
Office No.110, West Wing
Aurora Tower, Camp, .
City:Pune 411001 Pune Maharashtra
Tel:020-2611 9379
Fax:020- 2614 0286
Mktg-Email :
HR-Email :
Purchase-Email :
Brands Owned :

About the Company :

Pratibha Krushi Prakriya Ltd is a closely held public limited company promoted by Mr Satish Chavan and his wife, Ms. Ashwini Chavan. The company started its commercial production from December 2011. It is engaged in the business of handling and processing of milk and milk products at its plant in Panhala Taluka of Kolhapur, Maharashtra. The company manufactures various milk-based products like Ultra High Temperature (UTH) milk, lassi, cheese, yoghurt, paneer, butter, ghee and other milk products. These products are sold under the brand name of ‘Pratibha’, ‘Morana’ and ‘Sanjeevni’ in the regions of Kolhapur, Mumbai and parts of Karnataka. The company has installed capacity of 150,000 litres of milk processing per day


Other Office Address
Corp Office Office No.110, West Wing Aurora Tower, Camp, . Pune 411001 Pune Maharashtra 020-2611 9379 020- 2614 0286

Products & Services Offered
DairyPackaged Water