Tara Chand Rice Mills Pvt Ltd

Company Name:Tara Chand Rice Mills Pvt Ltd
Group : 
Address:Corp Office
 No. 4, Mile Stone, Karnal Road,
 Nissing District,
City:Nissing 132024 Karnal Haryana
Mktg-Email :tcrmriceanil@gmail.com
HR-Email : 
Purchase-Email : 
Brands Owned : 

About the Company :

Tara Chand Rice Mills Pvt Ltd took over Tara Chand Rice Mills on September 05, 2013, along with all its assets and liabilities. The company is primarily involved in milling basmati rice. TCRM’s milling unit is based at Nissing in Karnal, Haryana and is close to the local grain market. The company also exports rice to countries such as Saudi Arabia and Dubai.

Hitesh Kumar Singla– Director
Anil Kumar– Director

Other Office Address
Plant No. 4, Mile Stone, Karnal Road, Nissing District, Nissing 132024 Karnal Haryana 09034133333

Products & Services Offered
Basmati Rice
Processed Foods