The per capita consumption of Edible Oil in India is around 15 kgs which is lowest when compared to China 24 kgs, Brazil 18 kgs and USA 48 kgs. In terms of volumes, palm oil, soya bean oil and mustard oil are the three largest consumed edible oils in India, with respective shares of 46%, 16% and 14% in total oil consumption.
In India, Edible Oil industry is dependent on vagaries of monsoon as like other agriculture products. There are 14 million farmers are involved in edible oil crops. India, in order to cater to rising demand, India imports refined edible oil or crude stock to meet the demand-supply gap.
Further Edible oil is placed in OGL with zero duty, and lack of good quality feedstock locally makes India the largest importer of edible oil.
The demand for edible oils in India has shown a steady growth at a CAGR of 4.43% over the period from 2001 to 2015.
Some of the challenges faced by the industry is from the supply side – there is a shortage of feedstock which results in idle plant and what is driving the industry is negligible import duty makes it a viable option to import feedstock.

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List of Edible oil mills in India

Indian government increases import duty on edible oil

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CCEA removes restrictions on Edible Oil exports
List of Edible Oil Manufacturers in India

Abhishek Solvent Exts Ltd

Able Oils And Agro Pvt Ltd

Acalmar Oils Fats Ltd
ACI Oils Pvt Ltd

Adani Food Products Pvt Ltd

Adani Wilmar Ltd

Adithya Agro Allied Oils

Aditi Oil Ltd
Aditya Oil Industries